Maintaining Your Residential Trees' Health
ShareIf you own property, chances are you have trees growing on it to provide shade and beauty to the land you frequent each day. Try the following tips to keep your deciduous trees in the best possible condition so they continue to flourish without difficulties.
Know When A Tree Should Be Moved
If you planted trees yourself when they were of sapling age and positioned them too close to each other, when they grow, they may cause trouble for each other due to the battle for nutrients and water from the ground. If you notice trees in close proximity to each other and they do not seem to be thriving or one seems to be overtaking the area while others are not growing as well, it is best to move some so they have a better chance of survival. This should be done by a professional during the colder part of the year so trees being relocated do not go into shock. Contact a tree care service for information.
Keep On Top Of Branch Maintenance
When branches become too long, they may scrape against your home, garage, shed, or other trees. It is best to cut limbs before they become too unruly. A branch that no longer has leaves that grow has likely died or may be suffering from a disease. Check the condition of the bark for a darkened appearance or the presence of fungus. The tree will need to be treated with a fungicide so the condition does not spread. Using a saw, cut dead limbs a few inches from the main portion of the tree.
Protect Trees From Pests
Insects and small animals can cause health issues for trees if they become too abundant. Smaller animals like squirrels or chipmunks use trees for nesting. If you notice a nest in a tree, keep a watchful eye on the condition of the tree and contact a pest control service to rid the tree of the animal's habitat if problems arise. Insects that kill off trees such as gypsy moths or spotted lanternflies require preventative steps to protect trees if these pests are known to be prevalent in the area where you live. Wrap the bases of trees with plastic wrap and secure it in place with double-sided tape. These pests will become trapped on the tape and will need to be removed on a regular basis to keep trees from becoming injured.
Contact a residential tree care service to learn more.