Ventless Or Direct Vent? What Homeowners Should Know Before Purchasing A Gas Fireplace
ShareChoosing to add a fireplace to your home is an excellent way to offer your family more comfort and safety. In addition to the relaxation and gentle warmth of flickering flames in a fireplace, adding a gas fireplace can offer the security of having an alternate heat source in case of a power outage or furnace failure.
But the search for the right gas fireplace can be an exhausting one due to the many sizes, models, and features available. In order to choose the right gas fireplace for your home, homeowners should first understand the important differences between a ventless and direct vent fireplace.
The ventless fireplace
While ventless fireplaces are quick to install and inexpensive to purchase, they may not be the best option in every heating situation. As the name implies, a ventless fireplace does not have a pipe or vent that serves as an exhaust.
Instead, any fumes, moisture, or residue from the burning of the natural gas or propane for heat remains inside the home. If the home has adequate ventilation, the fumes and moisture may not result in any dangers or problems.
However, if the home is well-insulated or the fireplace is being used in a small, tightly sealed area, the fumes can result in unsafe oxygen levels and risks for the occupants of the home. Homeowners who choose to use this type of fireplace should always make sure to also use reliable oxygen sensors and carbon monoxide detectors each time the fireplace is used.
The vented fireplace
While installing a proper venting system can add a bit to the cost of equipping a home with a working fireplace, these systems can offer a safer fireplace usage option. This additional safety is due to the fact that any gas left over from the burning process, as well as any exhaust fumes and moisture, is safely vented to the outside of the home.
Vented fireplace options are more suitable for modern homes where insulation R-values are high and there are few or no drafts to dispel the fumes from the burning process.
Homeowners who have an existing fireplace opening or flue may be able to connect a direct vent gas fireplace to it instead of installing a new flue through the ceiling or an exterior wall.
To learn more about both ventless and direct vent gas fireplaces, homeowners can contact a reputable gas fireplace dealer or installation contractor in your area. These professionals will help homeowners consider the specific needs of their home and family to ensure they get the supplemental heat source they deserve.
To learn more, contact a company that offers direct vent inserts.